How to do a “wild thing”? — Get Stronger Together

2 min readJul 31, 2022


If there is a side of you that refuses to get tamed, the side that loves to go wild every now and then, then you’ll have fun with this drill haha :)

I love how it makes me feel, especially when you do it after a long day of sitting and working at your desk. Completely opens up your tense body, especially your shoulders after being hunched over a laptop all day. It’s a build up on “Side kick through” drill I shared a few weeks ago.

I’m sure there are better and more fluid ways of doing this drill but this is how I try to do it:

  • Start in beast position; knees hovering an inch off the ground
  • Do a side kick-through
  • Drive elbow and shoulder blade back
  • Place front foot down
  • Lift back heel and drive hips up
  • Feel the glutes fire
  • Open hips, belly, chest and shoulders
  • Sweep your arm like you are painting a wall with a broad brush in your hand.
  • Reach behind you.
  • Come back down to starting position
  • Repeat the same movement on the other side

Key is to take your time. Don’t rush. Go slow. Breathe. Feel your body open up and expand. Keep breathing throughout.

I hope you have fun trying it out. Let’s get wild! 🙂




















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Originally published at on July 31, 2022.




Fitness enthusiast 🇺🇸🇮🇳 Just an ordinary girl next door trying to learn what her mind & body are capable of 💪♥️ Find me on Instagram @leenas_diaries